Power consumption of UbiSwitch running 4 100Mbps ports

– Copied from a customer email –

What is the power consumption of UbiSwitch running only 4 ports at 100Mbps?

As per tests in our rig…

UbiSwitch + UbiSwitch BaseBoard
Port A: Raspberry Pi with 100BASE-T port
Port B: Raspberry Pi with 100BASE-T port
Port C: Intel Nuc with 100BASE-T port
Port D: Macbook with 1000BASE-T port

Iperf between ports A and B + iperf between ports C and D.

Pressure = Sea Level
Ambient temperature = 27C
Below tests were ran without a heatsink. Expect results ran with a heatsink to need less power.

Voltage input = 5V
Current draw = 0.449A
Power consumption = 2.245W

Voltage input = 10V
Current draw = 0.232A
Power consumption = 2.32W

Voltage input = 30V
Current draw = 0.085A
Power consumption = 2.55W

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