Hi I fully understand there has to be questions, remote debugging is always a challenge, and we are very humble wrt possible faults we currently do not understand we may have done
Thanks for the information. A few more questions for you:
There are also some blinking on the port 1-10 LED indicator lights for the ports that are connected on the baseboard.
Blinking on the LED indicator lights implies ports are communicating. Does this blinking persist and do you see ports come up on your connected devices?
Yes, it is blinking still and the pc say it is connected, but it does not have ethernet access. When connected directly to the same plug in the wall by cable, it does have access.
12 V, 0.17 A (has seen 0.3 A as well)
At what point did you see the 0.3A?
This appears to be an internal misunderstanding. The power source is set to 12 V with a 0.3 A current limit. We have not seen that at any point.
So the observed current is 0.176A
During powerup, there is a red light (MCU LED), but it stops after a few seconds.
This red light stays on while UbiSwitch is booting, then turns off after booting.
I note in your image that port 5 LED is orange? Is this solidly on, or is it blinking? Does it turn off when all ports are disconnected?
In that picture, port 5 is connected to the wall plug Ethernet.

Here, port 1 is to the laptop
Port 3 is to the ethernet in the wall plug
But the computer does not find a wired connection.
Have you tried one of the other modules and baseboards? Do you see the same behaviour?
Yes, they have the same behaviour.