Great work BotBlox team,

with the documentation I was able to flash bootloader and application firmware in the UbiSwitch.


Nice to hear some positive feedback, thanks so much, it was a mammoth effort by us.

Reach out if you have a questions.


Hey having an issue updating the firmware on my rev B UbiSwitch. Info on the hardware this is a BB-UBS-B-1 with the 64kb MCU. It’s currently running v0.1.1. Attached some images of what I’m seeing when trying to update over UART with MCUMGR and also trying SWD. Just need to get this unit updated to the latest firmware.

Thanks for the question, I’ll leave my answers for each part

This is not possible on the 64Kb UbiSwitch revision B version, as outlined in the docs here. Note that this does not affect the majority of UbiSwitch revision B, which ship with 128Kb MCU.

You should be able to probe the MCU with the ST-Link debug probe (which I presume you are using). So given that the probe can’t seem to find the MCU, I have a few questions to ask:

  1. Can you confirm the voltage you are using to power the UbiSwitch when trying to debug?
  2. Could you confirm exactly what type of debug probe you are using/part number?
  3. Can you show me the wiring between the debug cable and the debug probe output pins?
  4. How are you securing the connection between the debug cable and header J9 on the UbiSwitch module? If this is insecure, it can cause issues.
  1. Supplying 5V to the Ubiswitch
  2. Tag-Connect TC2030-IDC-NL
  3. Attached an image of the schematic. (Same PCB used to flash the firmware)
  4. Im just doing that by hand Im maintaining enough pressure to make full contact with all the pads and depress all the pins.

5V power looks fine and the wiring between probe and cable looks fine.

It looks to me like the issue is the debug probe itself is an improper clone of STLink/V2 and the MCU may not be detectable with it. You can use this post on ST’s forums to find out if yours might be. If you have another STLINK or JLINK debug probe to try that would be helpful.

I’ve updated the documentation to reflect this with another STLINK programmer instead (as far as I know, the one advertised wasn’t an improper clone but I’d rather people not mistake them as they look very similar).

I shall close this topic to prevent useful discussion on specific BloxOsLite issues from being lost in a single topic.
In the future, support/questions can be opened and tracked as new topics.

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