What is the difference between revision A and revision B on SwitchBlox Industrial

– Copied from customer email –

What is the difference between BB-SWI-A-1 and BB-SWI-B-1?

BB-SWI-A-1 and BB-SWI-B-1 are functionally identical, however BB-SWI-B-1 has some additional features that I have listed below.

  1. BB-SWI-B-1 comes preloaded with firmware so it can be managed using our ARIES software.
  2. BB-SWI-B-1 adds an LED breakout header on the back, so that the port activity LED signals can be wired outside of the board

Other than that, both boards are functionally identical. The 3D CAD for both versions can be found at this link. The 3D CAD is nearly identical apart from the addition of the LED breakout header on the back of BB-SWI-B-1.