LED Indicator Query for UbiSwitch Baseboard

Yes, this looks like a mistake, thanks for brining this to my attention. Let’s explore this a bit.

The way the three activity indicators for the SFPs work is a bit different to the other ports. Each SFP only has a single LED signal associated with it. This is in contrast to the other 8 ports on UbiSwitch which have two LED signals (allowing for tri-colour LED operation).

So, we have two dual colour LEDs on the baseboard (labelled Port 10, Port 0 and Port), to represent three signals. Since these labels are incorrect, I’ve relabelled the LEDs with their schematic references in the image below.

With this in mind…

  • Red part of D3 flashes for Port 9 activity
  • Green part of D4 flashes for Port 0 activity
  • Red part of D4 flashes for Port 10 activity

It would appear that this is a mistake in our datasheet too. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. The datasheet has been updated and re-uploaded at this link, along with the hardware design guidelines at this link.

What we will probably do for the future, to make this clearer, is add three uni-colour LEDs for each SFP port.