I am looking to use the GigaBlox Nano in a product we manufacture. I see in the description there is a reference to not exceeding a 1 Meter cable length. Our application would have on channel with a 3 Meter will this work? Are there work arounds?
Most likely 3 meters will also work too, but it’s something you’ll need to test first. The 1 meter we state is a bit of a rule of thumb. What’s more important is to ensure:
- No major ground differences between GigaBlox Nano and the connected device (there is no galvanic isolation on GigaBlox Nano)
- Consideration to externally induced noise into the data wires (you may need to shield the cables)
Feel free to share a bit more about what you’re connecting to and I can give better advice
Thank you very much for your quick response. The information helps a lot. We will do some testing. Can you answer one more question? It is product related; do you have any devices that can handle DHCP management on a small network of devices? Again, thanks for your help.
Moved that questions here