Can I get more information on environmental on SwichBlox Rugged

I would like to inquire about SwitchBlox Rugged revisions F and G environmental conditions compliance.

The website mentions temperature range of -50C to 110C degrees, but no mention of altitude, shock, accelerations.

Is it compliant with MIL-STD-810? Appreciate any information on that subject you can share.

BB-SWR-F-1 has been tested for the following conditions according to MIL-STD-810H.

  • Low Pressure (Procedure II: 30,000 feet for 1 hour and Procedure III: 8,000 feet to 40,000 feet in 15 seconds)
  • Low Temperature (-50C for 30 minutes)
  • High Temperature (110C for 30 minutes)
  • Humidity (95% RH, 27C for 30 minutes)
  • Temperature Shock (-50C to 110C in 3 seconds, 3 cycles, 5 minutes at each temperature)
  • Vibration (10Hz, 15mm displacement to 2000Hz, 10G in x, y and z axes)
  • Shock (Test I: 20G, 15ms, Test II: 40G, 23ms in x, y and z)

During all tests, BB-SWR-F-1 was fully powered up, and data rate tests were performed between two ports. The data rate was monitored during all tests to qualify whether there was any data loss. Four test criterion were defined, as below.

  • Level A (Full Pass): Average data transmission is above 75% of nominal port speed for the entire test
  • Level B (Marginal Pass): There is a link loss that recovers within 15 seconds without any intervention
  • Level C (Marginal Fail): There is data interruption or link loss that requires human intervention to recover (eg, a power cycle or stopping the test)
  • Level D (Full Fail): The board is damaged and does not work

The board passed on Level A for all tests apart from temperature shock, which was a Level B. This is understandable, as temperature shock of -50C to 110C in 3 seconds is very demanding and unlikely to ever actually happen in real world conditions.

If you want the full test reports, get in touch (

I should also clarify the difference between BB-SWR-F-1 and BB-SWR-G-1. From time to time, we do find the need to update the hardware design on our boards. The revisions we make are very small and do not change the dimensions, functionality or the chipset we use. The differences between BB-SWR-F-1 and BB-SWR-G-1 are listed below.

  • Changed the onboard microcontroller to a more powerful version. This is for future expansion of network management features (currently it is not being used and this change has no difference in functionality)
  • Added an extra connector for UART breakout. This is for future expansion, we are building a management interface to this board that will use this breakout connector.
  • Modified the connector footprints so that they can accept Molex PicoClasp, which is a positive locking connector. The standard connector we use is Molex PicoBlade, which is friction lock only. Some customers prefer to order the Molex PicoClasp version.

Below is the full revision table below for more information.