Automatic changeover of uplink SFP on UbiSwitch

Can one use two uplink fiber connections in the SPF cages to create a redundant link? And will it then automatically switch if one of the fibers is damaged or will it require manual intervention?

To do this on UbiSwitch, you would use the Link Aggregation feature. Link aggregation allows you to combine two or more physical ports into a single logical link such that the traffic sent on a link is shared. This also gives you redundancy, such that if one of the physical links goes down, the other physical link maintains the logical connection.

Link Aggregation is often used to increase the bandwidth of a logical connection. For example, two 1Gbps physical ports in a Link Aggregation group will be able to transmit 2Gbps total across the logical link.

The difference between Link Aggregation, and using a pure “redundant link” feature is that link aggregation naturally load shares between both physical ports, whereas redundant link often only uses on physical port, and switches over to the other port if that first physical port goes down. In either case, Link Aggregation can be used for redundancy in a similar way.

To use Link Aggregation on the SFP cages, you will connect to the serial port on UbiSwitch to interact with the Command Link Interface (CLI). This document outlines how to connect and interact with the CLI.

You would create a link aggregation group with ports 9 and 10 (for example), then connect those two ports to whatever your other device is. Now, if the link on port 9 dies for some reason, port 10 will maintain the logical connection (and vice versa).

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